Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Quaker Granola Bar Packaging

Edit: I've created a new blog
March 2014

Read my opinion and review of Quaker Granola Bar Packaging - Instead of putting the bars in a cardboard box, Quaker saved packaging by....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Awesome Typography Poster

Edit: I've created a new blog
March 2014

Check out this awesome typography poster - I love it! It's by a student from Denmark named Julian Hansen..."

*hint: click to enlarge

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the dial-up post

Edit: I've created a new blog
March 2014

"Hey, I am writing from a piece of history. I am at my in-laws' house on the first computer I purchased with my own money..."

Read my dial-up post by clicking below

Continue reading on my awesome new blog!

Monday, January 4, 2010

first post

Edit: I've created a new blog
March 2014

"Both Emily and Mike have blogs now. So I thought, "I should make one too... " But..."

---> Continue reading on my new blog  --->